Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monticello-Quincy...Day 3 complete

Wacissa, FL

Below, a typical road pedaled on day 3 of the Southern Tier. Everyone that I've met in Florida have been super friendly and the roads of Florida have been very kind to me and BIG RED. Over the years various bicycle organizations have rated Florida as the worst state for bicyclists. High populations of senior citizens and even more tourists not paying attention to the road both contributed to Florida's poor ranking. However, most of the roads I've pedaled had generous shoulders and bike lanes. My one knock on the state is the lack of diversity in its scenery. Only 3 days in and it has been like pedaling the same mile, after mile, after mile. I look forward to more diverse scenery in the next week.

Due to pushing BIG RED way to hard the first 2 days, day 3 was difficult. The panniers and especially my legs felt very heavy. I packed it in by 4pm after pedaling a pathetic 65.64 miles. I hope that a late afternoon nap and a good nights sleep will due my legs good. Regardless, day 4 should be a 80-85 mile day.

Total miles pedaled: 332.85

Saddle time: 25 hours, 5 minutes, 34 seconds.

In 2006, 3 days into my cross country trip I had pedaled 197.77 miles.


Mark said...

I think most of the fuss about florida, drivers and bikers is more located around South Florida, ie Miami area.

deva said...

Absolutely beautiful, thanxs for creating this awesome widget.

Wheels Florida