Monday, May 22, 2006

Room For One

I purchased this tent a few years ago. It was one sale at a Gander Mountain in Rochester MN for $15. It weighs just under 2 lbs., which is its only appealing attribute. I'm hoping that after riding so many miles that when laying on my back I won't notice my toes touching the top of the tent. I'm hoping that I will be so tired that I won't notice the tent hitting my head when in windy conditions. Luckily I plan on losing about 15-20 pounds on the trip...If I gained weight I wouldn't fit through its small opening.

The tent is flimsy. It won't make the entire trip. If it makes it to the Mississippi River I'll consider it a small miracle.

The top picture is with the rain flap. The bottom is without the rain flap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-Life is either a daring adventure, or it is nothing.
-Helen Keller

The choice has been made. :)

deb m