Thursday, May 17, 2007


Recently, my Aunt and her childhood friend visited D.C. in hopes to start a campaign to change the colors of the United States flag from red, white, and blue to moldy green and coward yellow (packer colors). Luckily, President Bush heard about this cause and quickly stated that he would veto any legislation involving changing the colors of the flag of the United States. Upon hearing this, the coalition, headed by my mis-guided Aunt and the childhood friend decided to join the Peace Corps. They were both quickly shipped off to the island of Lesbos-Mega located 126 miles off the coast of Angola, Africa. While there, they were stationed to teach the natives proper hygiene and how to use silverware. During their 3rd "silverware" presentation they were both placed in a huge pot of boiling water and then quickly eaten with plastic "sporks".

The two photos below are the last of their legacy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Help! We were not boiled in a pot of water, we were saved. The natives figured out that we have something they want, Packer knowledge and the legacy that comes with being born and raised in Green and Gold country. After they squeeze every bit of knowledge and spirt from us, we will be sold on the black market to the Vikings who will try and deprogram us to join their side. Please help! They are torturing us daily with clips from Viking games and making us wear purple. I don't know how much longer we can hold out. Ann is dwindling fast. We do have a plan to break out when the Schwan helicopter lands next week but it will be dangerous and there is a 90% chance of us getting caught. Remember, if we never see anyone ever again, Go Packers!