Glad to be in Texas. Woke up this morning to no wind and temps in the low 50s. BIG RED and I were on the road by 615AM and completed the quick and chilly 20 mile ride to the Texas border. After devouring a stack of pecan pancakes in Bon Wier, we were back on the road. The first thing I noticed in Texas was that the roads were much smoother than in Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi. It felt great to pedal on a smooth service. After pedaling 84.27 miles, we arrived in Kountze, TX.
Trip Stats:
Total miles pedaled: 1136.93
Route miles pedaled: 1137.5
Saddle time: 74:51'35
Dogs that have chased BIG RED: over 100
The most dogs that have chased BIG RED at one time: 6
We're so glad you're ahead of schedule and west of all those terrible storms. John and I are very much enjoying living vicariously through you.
Wow. Can't believe you are already in Texas.
May you pedal faster than the dogs can run!
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