Last August 29th I hiked (a very long walk) the Stream Current Trail in Many Glacier National Park. Although the distance for the hike is unknown I was on the trail for approxiametly 13 hours.
The first 2 photos are of the the 3 lakes that you pass on the trail. The lakes are crystal blue and filled with small trout. In the distance you can see the "bowl" of the mountain face. I had a simple goal the morning that I began the hike; Reach of the bottom of the "bowl" where I thought the trail ended. When I reached the bottom of the bowl I realized the trail continued up the mountain.
Because there was ample day-light remaining I decided to continue the trail up the mountain face. The bottom two photos were taken about half way up. You can see the lakes from the first two photos. After this my camera batteries failed so I was unable to take photos from the top of the "summit".
Because of this, I'll have to hike/climb it again and make sure my camera batteries are at full charge.